Licensed Nursing Assistant
with Heidi Richard, RN
There must be at least 6 students registered in order for this course to run.
This course is held at Green Mountain Technology & Career Center in Hyde Park, VT. This LNA course is a combination of online classroom instruction/independent learning and in person practical skill development in the field of nursing. This leads to testing for a state license as an LNA.
In person lab/clinicals times will be Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 pm - 7:00 pm. Please reach out for a detailed copy of the schedule if you would like one. The final week of class lab/clinicals will be Monday - Friday from 3:30 - 7:00 pm. All online work will be done on the students own time outside of lab hours.
There is a mandatory meeting with Heidi Richard, RN to review expectations for the course and answer any questions students may have. Once this meeting date is set, all students who are registered for the course will receive the date and time. This meeting will be virtual.
Once you register for the course and make a payment, you may pick up your textbook and workbook at the front Desk of GMTCC during school hours (payment for books is due at the time of pick up if you have not paid for the course in advance). Please reach out to me directly to schedule a pick-up time.
The cost of this training is $1500.00. This includes textbooks at $75. This does not include the fee for testing, a fee for licensing, and a fee for finger printing. This is roughly $210.00.
If a student is under 18 years old and would like to take this course, please reach out to Mallery Daudelin so she can schedule an informational interview with this student to be sure that it is an appropriate fit.
Many of our students qualify for the VSAC Advancement Grant, Curtis COV Scholarship, or the Trades Scholarship/Forgivable Loan to provide funding for this course. Please reach out to VSAC's Educational Opportunity Counselor, Harka Khadka at will help you get started.
A deposit of $500 is due at the time of registration to hold your seat. The reminder of the tuition will be paid in weekly installments. If you have questions about payment and/or payment plans please reach out to Mallery Daudelin. She can be reached at or at 851-1575.
Green Mountain Technology & Career Center’s Adult Nurse Assistant Program Purpose and Objectives:
The purpose of the nurse assistant program at GMTCC is to prepare students enrolled in the adult nurse assistant program to successfully test to become licensed nursing assistants and enter careers as LNA’s.
The program objectives are:
Students will learn how to safely care for patients in a variety of health-care settings.
Students will learn about Resident Rights ensured by OBRA.
Students will learn how to promote dignity in a health care setting.
Students will learn how to enhance a patient’s quality of life.
Students will demonstrate their abilities in lab and clinical settings.
Students will learn how to effectively communicate with the health care team.
Students will learn how to safely and accurately perform basic nursing skills including vital signs, assisting with activities of daily living, transfers, and range of motion.
Students will have basic understanding of human anatomy and physiology and the effects of disease on body systems.
Students will have a basic understanding of commonly used medical terminology.
GMTCC’s Adult Nurse Assistant Program Entry and Continuance Requirements:
1. Students registering for GMTCC’s Adult Nurse Assistant Program must be able to speak, read, and write American English at 6th grade level. Candidates must be referred to Vermont Adult Learning for assessments of their English language and reading skills.
2. The student applicants may not have physical or behavioral problems that would prevent them from being able to adequately perform the essential elements of the job as nurse assistants including being able to lift a minimum of 50 lbs, walk a minimum of 50 feet without physical difficulty, have adequate vision to read instructions and give safe care, hear blood pressures with an amplified stethoscope, and absence from drug & alcohol abuse.
3. Student applicants with unpaid taxes, child support, or past criminal convictions, or drug dependence, including, but not limited to buprenorphine, naloxone, and methadone must contact the Board of Nursing about the actions they must take in order to be eligible for licensure. The recommended actions must be completed and the necessary documents presented to GMTCC’s nurse assistant program administrator within 10 business days after the class orientation.
4. Student applicants currently on parole, probation, or with pending criminal charges will not be eligible to enroll in the GMTCC’s nurse assistant program until these matters are resolved.
5. Student candidates must have an 80% academic average after the first 3 tests and before being assigned clinical experience.
6. Student candidates must complete the program with an 80% average and earn the minimum of 80% on their final exam in order to be eligible to test for licensure.
7. Student candidates must demonstrate a path leading toward competence in the nurse assistant skills introduced and practiced in the classroom.
8. The Adult Nurse Assistant Program instructor will meet with students after the first 3 academic tests and as needed thereafter to review their progress in the areas of academics and nurse assistant skills. Students not meeting the criteria may be asked to leave the program. They may re-enter a future class if deemed appropriate.
9. Adult nurse assistant students may not miss class time. NO LAB/CLINICAL HOURS MAY BE MISSED.
10. Closed toed and healed shoes are required. Scrubs are also required for all Labs and Clinical hours.
Mar 17 - Apr 17th, 2025
Tue and Thu for 5 weeks from 3:30 - 7:00 pm